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Aduck Catnip Soft Cat Toys Grey Fish 18cm

$ 2.29 $ 2.70
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Product Details

The Aduck Catnip Soft Cat Toy is a 18cm grey fish-shaped toy filled with catnip to attract and engage your cat. Made from soft, durable materials, it’s perfect for batting, biting, and cuddling, providing hours of fun and exercise. The natural catnip inside encourages playful behavior, making it an ideal toy for your feline friend.

The Aduck Catnip Soft Cat Toy is a 18cm grey fish-shaped toy filled with catnip to attract and engage your cat. Made from soft, durable materials, it’s perfect for batting, biting, and cuddling, providing hours of fun and exercise. The natural catnip inside encourages playful behavior, making it an ideal toy for your feline friend.
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