Altimate Pet Fragrance Free Fresh Potty Pad Medium 40 Pieces
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Product Details
Altimate Pet Fragrance Free are 100% leakproof, highly absorbent pads infused with fresh scent for enhanced odor control. Made with Leak Proof Multilayer technology, these heavy duty pads are built to withstand overflow. The fast-drying top layer also prevents tracking, so you don’t have to worry about your pup stepping into his mess. Whether you are using them for puppy training or to assist aging dogs, these pads are a great way to keep your floors clean and provide your furry friend with relief.
Medium : 45cm x 60cm
Large : 60cm x 90cm
Training Instructions:
1. Place the potty pad with the quilted side up in a designated area (pee tray / floor) so that your pet will be able to start using.
2. Try to encourage your pet to go to the potty pad on a regular basis. When it is time, walk your pet over to the pad and use whatever command that feels natural (i.e. Go potty!)
3. When your pet successfully uses the pad, it is vital to reward your pet with positive reinforcement and even small rewards. By doing this consistently, your pet will link this behavior with praise and will be more inclined to make the behavior a ritual.
4. It may take a few days or even weeks before your pet becomes comfortable using the potty pad regularly. However with consistent training schedules and rewards, this method has a very high success rate.
Altimate Pet Fragrance Free are 100% leakproof, highly absorbent pads infused with fresh scent for enhanced odor control. Made with Leak Proof Multilayer technology, these heavy duty pads are built to withstand overflow. The fast-drying top layer also prevents tracking, so you don’t have to worry about your pup stepping into his mess. Whether you are using them for puppy training or to assist aging dogs, these pads are a great way to keep your floors clean and provide your furry friend with relief.
Medium : 45cm x 60cm
Large : 60cm x 90cm
Training Instructions:
1. Place the potty pad with the quilted side up in a designated area (pee tray / floor) so that your pet will be able to start using.
2. Try to encourage your pet to go to the potty pad on a regular basis. When it is time, walk your pet over to the pad and use whatever command that feels natural (i.e. Go potty!)
3. When your pet successfully uses the pad, it is vital to reward your pet with positive reinforcement and even small rewards. By doing this consistently, your pet will link this behavior with praise and will be more inclined to make the behavior a ritual.
4. It may take a few days or even weeks before your pet becomes comfortable using the potty pad regularly. However with consistent training schedules and rewards, this method has a very high success rate.
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