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Millpledge Wild Wrapz Cohesive Pet Bandages 10cm

$ 5.67 $ 8.10 In Stock ( 2-5 working days )
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Product Details

*Design will be given in random

Millpledge Wild Wrapz Cohesive Pet Bandages are (when applied correctly) designed to:

  • Provide excellent elastic return pressure with lower risk of compromising circulation.
  • Be sterilisable, making them ideal for orthopaedic procedures.
  • Provide measured compression to limbs and joints whilst maintaining non-slip support.
  • Protect and support tendons & ligaments.
  • Sticks only to itself, not to skin, fur, or hair!
  • Stretchable up to 50%
  • Provides protection & support
  • Print designs will be selected at random 

Product Dimensions

W 5cm x L 500cm (stretched)

Suitable For

All cats, dogs, and small animals.


Product Material

Constructed from a laminated material consists of non-woven, creped porous latex base adhesive, embedded with elastic nylon threads.

Easy To Use

Cohesive Pet Bandages from Millpledge Wrapz are a breeze to use; they are easy to tear and stick only to themselves, so you won't have to fumble or worry about sticking to skin, fur, hair or even feathers. They also have a starter tab, making the start of the roll easy to find.

Stretchable Up To 50%

Millpledge Wrapz Cohesive Pet Bandages are easily stretchable up to 5 metres (that's 50% more!), giving you more bandage for your money.

Millpledge Wild Wrapz Cohesive Pet Bandages come in four print designs: Giraffe, Leopard, Pink Leopard and Tiger.


        *Design will be given in random

        Millpledge Wild Wrapz Cohesive Pet Bandages are (when applied correctly) designed to:

        • Provide excellent elastic return pressure with lower risk of compromising circulation.
        • Be sterilisable, making them ideal for orthopaedic procedures.
        • Provide measured compression to limbs and joints whilst maintaining non-slip support.
        • Protect and support tendons & ligaments.
        • Sticks only to itself, not to skin, fur, or hair!
        • Stretchable up to 50%
        • Provides protection & support
        • Print designs will be selected at random 

        Product Dimensions

        W 5cm x L 500cm (stretched)

        Suitable For

        All cats, dogs, and small animals.


        Product Material

        Constructed from a laminated material consists of non-woven, creped porous latex base adhesive, embedded with elastic nylon threads.

        Easy To Use

        Cohesive Pet Bandages from Millpledge Wrapz are a breeze to use; they are easy to tear and stick only to themselves, so you won't have to fumble or worry about sticking to skin, fur, hair or even feathers. They also have a starter tab, making the start of the roll easy to find.

        Stretchable Up To 50%

        Millpledge Wrapz Cohesive Pet Bandages are easily stretchable up to 5 metres (that's 50% more!), giving you more bandage for your money.

        Millpledge Wild Wrapz Cohesive Pet Bandages come in four print designs: Giraffe, Leopard, Pink Leopard and Tiger.


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